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ich verzweifel immer noch an der blöden Drift Geschichte mit dem Marussia in der Tour. 1 Stern, mehr will da nich.

Driften hab ich mich schon immer schwer mit getan aber mit dem Wagen in dieser Strecke... nee. Dann hab ich eben nicht alle beisammen :banghead:

Ja da würde ich dir gern helfen, fand das alles recht easy.

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Ich habe auch nur etwa 5 oder 6 Versuche dafür gebraucht.

Komischerweise waren die ersten Versuche grausig, der passende war auch nicht toll gefahren, für den Stern hat es aber locker gereicht.

Was solls, dafür habe ich an der Venom Hot Lap fast 4 Stunden gesessen.;)

Mir fehlen jetzt noch 2 Serien a' 2 Rennen und das Legendrennen, alle vorhergehenden incl. der Sterne habe ich.

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wegen der geschichte mit venom lap die echt nicht so einfach ist hatte ich mal ein video erstellt, evtl. hilft es dem ein oder anderen, ist nicht perfekt aber wenn man auf die bremspunkte und einlenkphasen beachtet dann klappt es:

[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CH5q8laUjE4]DriveClub PS4 Venom GT Hot Lap 1:15 - YouTube[/url]


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Gerade auf der Facebook Seite von Driveclub gelesen:

Hi everyone,

The team at Evolution continues to work diligently to resolve all of the server issues. We know you have all been extremely patient and understandably frustrated during DRIVECLUB’s launch, and to show our appreciation for the support during this challenging time, we will be offering the premium DLC packs for November (25th November-SCEA/26th November-SCEE/27th November-SCEJ) free to those who purchased the full game.

These premium DLC packs – The Ignition Expansion Pack and Photo-Finish Tour Pack along with two livery packs – will give you a total of five new cars, 22 new tour events, 10 new trophies and 10 new livery items to play with online and offline.

The Season Pass will be extended to include four extra packs in July 2015 to ensure players who purchased the pass get everything that was promised. So on top of the free DLC in November, the Season Pass will still include 38 cars, 176 tour events and 80 unique liveries.

On Tuesday we will also be releasing our next game update which includes our first round of player requested feature updates.

In addition to Photo Mode, which will allow you to share your most thrilling moments with your friends, we will be adding:

• Improved multiplayer collision physics to reduce frustrating spin-outs

• Adjustments to soften the corner cutting penalty system

• Options in the club menu to view everything your club has unlocked

• A fix to allow all club owners to update their club badges

This update also includes the first new tracks, which we announced back in September as part of our plans to keep supporting and expanding the game as you play. These include the following free new tracks for online and offline play (also playable in reverse):

• India – Yedepalli

• Scotland – Wester Ross

• Chile – Los Pelambres

Although currently we do not have an update regarding the timing for the launch of the PS Plus Edition, we are continually working on improving the server capacity to enable us to launch the PS Plus Edition as quickly as possible.

Once again, thank you for your support. We are truly sorry that the road to delivering the full DRIVECLUB racing experience on PS4 has been such a rocky one.

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Ich bin sehr gespannt.

Zitat . "free to those who purchased the full game"

Ich hoffe die kommen nicht auf die Idee, die Leute die die Plus-Version geupdated haben auszuschliessen.

Die die die Plus Version gekauft haben, haben doch ganze Spiel gekauft. Oder fehlt da was was in der Disc Version vorhanden ist?:xd::'>

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