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- Werbung nur für Gäste -


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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Hey leute ich entschuldige mich schonmal im vorraus fürs doppeltdreifache fragen ;)

wie sieht es denn nun aus bleiben die Kills und Siege sprich die Kompetitiven Sattistiken erhalten? Habe jetzt etwas über 5000 kills wenn ich aber in der vollversion wieder bei null anfangen muss zocke ich dann erstmal nicht mehr.


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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Hier habt ihr mal alle trophies Bilder ich finde diese hier sehr schön 50.jpg

36.jpg Drop the Bomb Hotshot trophy_bronze.pngMake five enemies drop their grenade by shooting them

11.jpg20 Headshotstrophy_bronze.pngDefeat 20 enemies with headshots

22.jpg30 Kills: Arm Microtrophy_bronze.pngDefeat 30 enemies with the Arm Micro

28.jpg30 Kills: Dragon Snipertrophy_bronze.pngDefeat 30 enemies with the Dragon


26.jpg30 Kills: G-MALtrophy_bronze.pngDefeat 30 enemies with the G-MAL

24.jpg30 Kills: KAL 7 trophy_bronze.pngDefeat 30 enemies with the KAL 7

25.jpg30 Kills: M9trophy_bronze.pngDefeat 30 enemies with the M9

21.jpg30 Kills: Mag 5trophy_bronze.pngDefeat 30 enemies with the Mag 5

32.jpg30 Kills: Mk-NDItrophy_bronze.pngDefeat 30 enemies with the Mk-NDI

31.jpg30 Kills: PAK-80trophy_bronze.pngDefeat 30 enemies with the PAK-80

30.jpg30 Kills: RPG - 7trophy_bronze.pngDefeat 30 enemies with the RPG - 7

27.jpg30 Kills: SAS - 12trophy_bronze.pngDefeat 30 enemies with the SAS - 12

29.jpg30 Kills: T-Bolt Snipertrophy_bronze.pngDefeat 30 enemies with the T-Bolt Sniper

23.jpg30 Kills: Tau Snipertrophy_bronze.pngDefeat 30 enemies with the Tau Sniper

05.jpgAdept Fortune Huntertrophy_bronze.pngFind 60 treasures

03.jpgApprentice Fortune Huntertrophy_bronze.pngFind 20 treasures

39.jpgBare-knuckle Brawlertrophy_bronze.pngDefeat 20 enemies with hand-to-hand combat

40.jpgBare-knuckle Sluggertrophy_bronze.pngDefeat 50 enemies with hand-to-hand combat

17.jpgBlindfire Marksmantrophy_bronze.pngDefeat 20 enemies by blind-firing while in cover (without aiming with L1/R1)

44.jpgBrute Beatertrophy_bronze.pngSuccessfully counter all of a Brute’s damage-giving attacks

55.jpgBuddy Systemtrophy_bronze.pngComplete one Cooperative Multiplayer game

50.jpgCharted! - Easytrophy_bronze.pngFinish the game in Easy Mode

06.jpgExpert Fortune Huntertrophy_bronze.pngFind 80 treasures attacks

02.jpgFirst Treasuretrophy_bronze.pngFind one treasure

35.jpgGrenade Hangmantrophy_bronze.pngDefeat ten enemies with grenades by aiming while hanging

19.jpgHangmantrophy_bronze.pngDefeat 20 enemies with gunfire by aiming while hanging

47.jpgHe's Gonna Need a Sturgeontrophy_bronze.pngHit three enemies with fish in the market

13.jpgHeadshot Experttrophy_bronze.pngDefeat five enemies in a row with headshots

20.jpgLand Sharktrophy_bronze.pngDefeat 20 enemies while swimming

48.jpgMarco Solotrophy_bronze.pngPlay in the swimming pool on the Cruise Ship

41.jpgMaster Ninjatrophy_bronze.pngDefeat 50 enemies with stealth attacks

33.jpgPro-paintrophy_bronze.pngDefeat ten enemies with propane or acetylene tank explosions

45.jpgQuick Studytrophy_bronze.pngInspect almost every display case in the Cartagena Museum

08.jpgRelic Findertrophy_bronze.pngFind the Strange Relic

46.jpgRide the Crocodiletrophy_bronze.pngStand on the crocodile in the Secret Library

43.jpgRiot Rockertrophy_bronze.pngDefeat five Riot Shield enemies by running over their shield

18.jpgRun-and-Gunnertrophy_bronze.pngDefeat 20 enemies by shooting from the hip (without aiming with L1/R1)

14.jpgSide Arm Mastertrophy_bronze.pngDefeat 30 enemies in a row with your side arm

04.jpgSkilled Fortune Huntertrophy_bronze.pngFind 40 treasures

54.jpgThrillseekertrophy_bronze.pngComplete one Competitive Multiplayer game

37.jpgThrowbacktrophy_bronze.pngKill 10 enemies with thrown-back grenades

38.jpgThrowback Mastertrophy_bronze.pngThrow back a grenade and defeat two

enemies at once

49.jpgTruck Brawlertrophy_bronze.pngDefeat ten enemies using hand-to-hand combat on the back of the convoy trucks

42.jpgExpert Ninjatrophy_silver.pngDefeat five enemies in a row using stealth

15.jpgReload Mastertrophy_silver.pngDefeat 50 enemies in a row without auto-reloading

07.jpgMaster Fortune Huntertrophy_silver.pngFind all 100 treasures

16.jpgRolling Ammo Mastertrophy_silver.png20 times in a row, pick up ammo while rolling

09.jpgSurvivortrophy_silver.pngDefeat 75 enemies in a row without dying

10.jpgCombat Leapfrogtrophy_silver.pngDefeat ten enemies in a row, alternating hand-to-hand combat and gunplay

34.jpgDyno-Might Mastertrophy_silver.pngDefeat four enemies with one explosion

12.jpg100 Headshotstrophy_silver.pngDefeat 100 enemies with headshots

52.jpgCharted! - Hardtrophy_silver.pngFinish the game in Hard Mode

51.jpgCharted! - Normaltrophy_silver.pngFinish the game in Normal Mode

53.jpgCharted! - Crushingtrophy_gold.pngFinish the game in Crushing Mode


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