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So gleich mal den Season Pass eingekauft :D Das Spiel ist einfach der Hammer ^^
Das Spiel ist so enttäuschend...Hoffe das Project Cars wenigstens mal ein Knaller wird.

Kannst dich aber auch nicht entscheiden :facepalm:

Kann ich die driftpunkte offline sammeln, oder muss man dafür auch verbunden sein?

Kannst du offline machen. Die Punkte zählen dann allerdings nicht für deinen Club.

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Bestimmt hat der auch keinen Season Pass gekauft :D:xd::'>:J:

Ich bereue es jetzt schon :xd::'>

Vorheriger Post um 15:00

Post hinzugefügt um 15:01

Sind die 3 Autos auch zum freischalten oder gibts diese 3 nur per Vorbestellaktion?

Nur per Vorbestellaktion... Die Autos gibt es aber alle schon im Spiel.

Sind halt nur "Special-Editions"

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Ich frag mich wann endlich die Infos kommen die für heute angekündigt wurden.

Wobei ich den Inhalt wahrscheinlich lieber erst gar nicht lesen sollte ...

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

Bitteschön :banghead::banghead::frown::frown::biggrin5:

Neuste Update von Driveclub auf Facebook..


We're just as frustrated as you about the server performance issues right now. We want you to be racing with clubs and having fun playing challenges, not checking facebook updates from us to see if the servers are updated yet.

We'll have more info for you later today (Thursday) so please bear with us while we work through this.

In case you don't already know, the servers are up and running but they are hitting their performance limits, so they won't accept new connections until one of the current online players frees up their space (allowing another to join in their place, which happens automatically and player selection is random).

If and when you get online, you should not have any connectivity issues during the remainder of your session. When you finish and disconnect, you'll free up a space for someone else. This is obviously not ideal, especially given that there are a lot of players waiting to connect, but that's how it's working right now.

The whole team here at Evolution Studios have got their shoulders to the wheel working hard to improve this situation: developing updates and upgrades to the servers - and testing these updates around the clock so that we can get them live. We hope you can enjoy the game offline while we work to improve the server performance and get you connected - and we're sorry that you're having to wait to play the game online as we intended for it to be played.

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Bitteschön :banghead::banghead::frown::frown::biggrin5:


We're just as frustrated as you about the server performance issues right now. We want you to be racing with clubs and having fun playing challenges, not checking facebook updates from us to see if the servers are updated yet.

We'll have more info for you later today (Thursday) so please bear with us while we work through this.

In case you don't already know, the servers are up and running but they are hitting their performance limits, so they won't accept new connections until one of the current online players frees up their space (allowing another to join in their place, which happens automatically and player selection is random).

If and when you get online, you should not have any connectivity issues during the remainder of your session. When you finish and disconnect, you'll free up a space for someone else. This is obviously not ideal, especially given that there are a lot of players waiting to connect, but that's how it's working right now.

The whole team here at Evolution Studios have got their shoulders to the wheel working hard to improve this situation: developing updates and upgrades to the servers - and testing these updates around the clock so that we can get them live. We hope you can enjoy the game offline while we work to improve the server performance and get you connected - and we're sorry that you're having to wait to play the game online as we intended for it to be played.

Das ist aber alt und nicht das was für heute noch angekündigt war. Die wollten klare Aussagen heute machen... was auch dringend notwenidig ist!

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