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Trick um weiterhin auf mybuzz.com zugreifen zu können

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Endlich, ich habe es geschafft! :D

Ich habe etliche Stunden dran gesessen und probiert...

Zum Glück habe ich noch einen genaueren Guide gefunden, der es besser beschreibt! ;)

Ok, here's the most detailed guide i could come up with 16x16_smiley-wink.gif

Have fun!

1) Check if www.mybuzzquiz.com site really not works (maybe they somehow fixed it and you can use it?). If it works just use that one and omit the rest of the guide 16x16_smiley-wink.gif

2) If it still do not work properly check the following link: http://buzzps3.svo.online.scee.com:10060 If it works there is still hope so proceed to point 3.

3) Go to 'my computer' and open following folder path: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\

4) In etc folder you should have file named 'hosts'. It don't have any extension but open it with notepad (or any other txt file editor). Add this entry at the end of the file: www.mybuzzquiz.com

and save it. If you're wondering what you just did than in short this says to your apps that 'mybuzzquiz.com' is on that server (which in fact isn't - it's ip of the mentioned site). It has to be done to properly use all redirects from the site

5) Type www.mybuzzquiz.com:10060 to your browser - the site should open

6) Try to log in - it will open typical sony login window. Type your creditentials and push 'sign in'

7) After short while you will get error with message about failed connection. It's partially true as it reidirected you to wrong port but in fact you just got logged in 16x16_smiley-happy.gif Note that site url should end with

something like this:


8) Copy the end of the url and create url looking like this http://www.mybuzzquiz.com:10060/actions/PSNLogin.do?sessionId=SOME_WEIRD_LOOKING_CHARACTERS

(just remove 's' from https prefix and add :10060 after site name). Paste it into browser and enter. You'll get another message saying that connection failed 16x16_smiley-happy.gif

9) Now type http://www.mybuzzquiz.com:10060 and go there. You should see mybuzzquiz page again but this time you're logged in (note your name on the top of the page)

10) Download Burp Suite Free edition from http://portswigger.net/burp/download.html

11) Edit your browser connections settings and add proxy there. As proxy address type, as port number 8080. If you have any proxy already there than you're kind of screwed. You should

probably search for some proxy that allows another proxy in chain. I couldn't find this option in burp so I won't help you.

12) Run Burp suite (you have to install Java if you don't have it).

13) Select Tab named 'Proxy' and then 'Options' from the tabs below. There should be one proxy listener running on (port 8080). Select it and push edit.

14) Go to 'Request handling tab' and put 10060 to 'redirect to port' field. Push 'Ok'.

15) Go to 'Intercept' tab and set change 'Intercept is on' to 'Intercept is off'

16) Now (finally) on (still) opened buzz site click 'Create Quiz'. It will give you well known flash app where you can create your quiz 16x16_smiley-happy.gif.

17) Do as many quizzes as you want and save them.

18) After job is done do some cleanup on your system -> remove proxy on browser, remove added entry in hosts file.


Viel Erfolg weiterhin! :)

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Kann bestätigen, dass es funktioniert. Dank an Freestylegamer

Ja da fällt einem ein großer Stein vom Herzen! :)

Meine 2 größten Probleme waren:

1. Die "hosts" Datei umbenennen

(Lösung: Notepad ++ downloaden, damit funktionierts)

2. Quiz erstellen -> bei allen Auswahlfunktionen stand "UNDEFINED"

(Lösung: habe ich aus der ausführlichen Erklärung. Bei der von Post #1 stand nichts von Ports 8080, etc.)

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Hey zusammen,

funktioniert soweit alles nach Anleitung, lediglich beim Quiz erstellen komme ich nicht weiter. Alle Label lauten "Undefined" und ich kann so kein Quiz erstellen. Kann hier jemand genauere Hinweise oder Tipps geben?


Lies dir die letzten Kommentare durch, es wurde eine ausführlichere Anleitung gefunden

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Ja, hab ich auch gelesen das eine ausführliche Anleitung gefunden wurde, aber wo?

Es geht nicht um den Proxy, das hat alles geklappt. Es geht um Flash App zur Quiz Erstellung. In der Flash-App ist jeder Label mit "Undefined" beschriftet, und ich kann damit kein Quiz erstellen. Gibt es dafür einen Tipp?

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Ja, hab ich auch gelesen das eine ausführliche Anleitung gefunden wurde, aber wo?

Es geht nicht um den Proxy, das hat alles geklappt. Es geht um Flash App zur Quiz Erstellung. In der Flash-App ist jeder Label mit "Undefined" beschriftet, und ich kann damit kein Quiz erstellen. Gibt es dafür einen Tipp?

Schreib dem freestyle-gamer mal ne Nachricht, er hats ja geschafft vor ein paar Wochen. Aber vielleicht geht es ja mittlerweile schon wieder nicht mehr...

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Dieser Trick wird denke ich auch weiterhin noch funktionieren.

Ich hatte ihn in einen meiner letzten Posts hier gespoilert... ;)

Ok, here's the most detailed guide i could come up with 16x16_smiley-wink.gif

Have fun!

1) Check if www.mybuzzquiz.com site really not works (maybe they somehow fixed it and you can use it?). If it works just use that one and omit the rest of the guide 16x16_smiley-wink.gif

2) If it still do not work properly check the following link: http://buzzps3.svo.online.scee.com:10060 If it works there is still hope so proceed to point 3.

3) Go to 'my computer' and open following folder path: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\

4) In etc folder you should have file named 'hosts'. It don't have any extension but open it with notepad (or any other txt file editor). Add this entry at the end of the file: www.mybuzzquiz.com

and save it. If you're wondering what you just did than in short this says to your apps that 'mybuzzquiz.com' is on that server (which in fact isn't - it's ip of the mentioned site). It has to be done to properly use all redirects from the site

5) Type www.mybuzzquiz.com:10060 to your browser - the site should open

6) Try to log in - it will open typical sony login window. Type your creditentials and push 'sign in'

7) After short while you will get error with message about failed connection. It's partially true as it reidirected you to wrong port but in fact you just got logged in 16x16_smiley-happy.gif Note that site url should end with

something like this:


8) Copy the end of the url and create url looking like this http://www.mybuzzquiz.com:10060/acti...ING_CHARACTERS

(just remove 's' from https prefix and add :10060 after site name). Paste it into browser and enter. You'll get another message saying that connection failed 16x16_smiley-happy.gif

9) Now type http://www.mybuzzquiz.com:10060 and go there. You should see mybuzzquiz page again but this time you're logged in (note your name on the top of the page)

10) Download Burp Suite Free edition from http://portswigger.net/burp/download.html

11) Edit your browser connections settings and add proxy there. As proxy address type, as port number 8080. If you have any proxy already there than you're kind of screwed. You should

probably search for some proxy that allows another proxy in chain. I couldn't find this option in burp so I won't help you.

12) Run Burp suite (you have to install Java if you don't have it).

13) Select Tab named 'Proxy' and then 'Options' from the tabs below. There should be one proxy listener running on (port 8080). Select it and push edit.

14) Go to 'Request handling tab' and put 10060 to 'redirect to port' field. Push 'Ok'.

15) Go to 'Intercept' tab and set change 'Intercept is on' to 'Intercept is off'

16) Now (finally) on (still) opened buzz site click 'Create Quiz'. It will give you well known flash app where you can create your quiz 16x16_smiley-happy.gif.

17) Do as many quizzes as you want and save them.

18) After job is done do some cleanup on your system -> remove proxy on browser, remove added entry in hosts file.


Dies hier ist die ausführliche Erklärung.

Ich habe die Erklärungen für die Problematik "UNDEFINED" fett makiert! :)

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