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- Werbung nur für Gäste -


Infinite Gold Bug


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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Basically, on the Island Tacarigua (arrive there after the beginning city) and in the Pirates Den there is a Gun-Smith named Barny where you can buy some Guns and Ammo from. He will let you shoot some flying targets for 500 Gold at the price of 50 Gold, this is called Shooting The Fleet (Minigame).

Basically what the video is trying to show you is how to make the Minigame re-appear after Succeeding at it.

First you just ask if you can practice shooting, do so a couple times and Barny will ask if you wanna play for 500 Gold with Shooting The Fleet. When that option is there in his Dialog Options there will be another option below it called "(Shoot!) (10 Gold)", its basically just being able to practice for no rewards (Except possibly getting the 10 Gold back) for 10 Gold. After you play Shooting the Fleet and win the 500 Dollars the option for Shooting The Fleet disappears. Now go to "(Shoot!) (10 Gold)" and just Fire all 10 Shots and lose the game (losing the 10 Gold). After you lose, that option will disappear as well. Hit the "(End)" dialog option and Barny will say something basically saying for you to try again cause your doing well. When you talk to him again for some reason the Shooting The Fleet option re-appears and you can play for another 500 Gold.

Rinse and Repeat to your hearts desire. I used this to get the Hand Mirror Legendary Item from Booze in the Pub there cause its worth 2000 Dollars and money is a bit hard to earn this early in the game.

Also I have no idea if this is actually a "Glitch" or just a buggy intention for the game. But I thought maybe people would like to know this to have some money early in the game.

Also don't forget, there is a Trophy for this Minigame called Crack Shot. Its to hit a target with all 10 shots in one round of the Minigame (does NOT have to be in Shooting the Fleet, you can use the 10 Gold option).

das ist ein link zu einem video zu riesen 2 darkwaters wie mann unedlich gold bekommen kann nur mein problem ist ich bekomme das viedo nicht rein könnte mir jemand sagen wie das geht das viedo sagt wie das geht und auf deutsch somit kann mit dem trick schon relative früh 300000 gold bekommen

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

und wozu braucht man soviel Gold ?

für die Krösus Trophäe ist doch das verkaufen - zurückkaufen viel besser geeignet... Hab das kurz vor Ende gemacht, komplettes Inventar verkauft, (über 60k bekommen) und dann zurückgekauft, nach 4 mal hat ich die Trophäe :o

Zum Anfang kann ich das verstehen, dass man da Gold braucht für neue Fähigkeiten etc. bloß haut man sich das Balancing bissl weg....

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