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- Werbung nur für Gäste -


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I think we were around 11, 12 or 13. I don't know exactly but i know for sure that we werent 14, because then we must have had taken the consequences.. if they would have caught us :cool2:

What do you think? Our parents would have killed us. I mean it's not a small thing to just start a big fire like that :D

Well, our parents would have had to pay the firefighters, the destroyed plants (really expensive) and the punishment for the crime of 'Brandstiftung' :D I think we would still pay the price for that ^^

Well I was talking about the official penalty :P But it wasn't on purpose it was just an accident, wasn't it? ^^

Of course it's not a small thing....

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -


Just replace Obama with Belian :biggrin5:


but i think you already posted that in the old spam-thread :P

MfG Rewe

Vorheriger Post um 22:43

Post hinzugefügt um 22:44

Nope. Why? :(

Ok i'm going to sleep now! Good night!

I :heart: you :)


Oh, Belian and Rewe i like you, too :P:laugh3:

of course, you like me:J::biggrin5:

because...i am just so crazy, you must like me...except for some ponies :P

MfG Rewe

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Nope. Why? :(

Ok i'm going to sleep now! Good night!

I :heart: you :)


Oh, Belian and Rewe i like you, too :P:laugh3:

Because then you would know that "Brandstiftung" is arson in English ;)

Good night :)


but i think you already posted that in the old spam-thread :P

MfG Rewe

Yes, I've already posted it a few times. It's quite funny :biggrin5:

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

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