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- Werbung nur für Gäste -


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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

vor 1 Minute schrieb Celinilein:

No problem. I know how it hurts :(


School sucks :dozey:


The only good thing about school is to have so many holidays.


Gerade eben schrieb BloodyAngelCherr:

You say that just because there are holidays right now :P

Ok you both are right.


But i reeeeaaallly like my history lessons. 

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

vor einer Stunde schrieb Celinilein:

Who does even like jobs in general?! (Yeah I know some crazy awkward people exist who really do. But I will never be able to unterstand that)


I guess if you do something what you like it should be understandable. Surely there must be something what you like at your job. Even if it's just the contact with some of your colleagues. Nobody forces you to do a job which you don't like. Some people are lucky enough to choose between different jobs. That's mainly the reason why you should try to get good marks in school. Not everyone knows at a young age what they want to be in the future. 

Bearbeitet von Gast
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vor 8 Minuten schrieb Ullah:

I guess if you do something what you like it should be understandable. Surely there must be something what you like at your job. Even if it's just the contact with some of your colleagues. Nobody forces you to do a job which you don't like. Some people are lucky enough to choose between diffrent jobs. That's mainly the reason why you should try to get good marks in school. Not everyone knows at a young age what they want to be in the future. 

For me this just doesn't fit. Even if I did like some (or a lot) parts of my latest jobs and even if I could work for myself, which I really like, I just never really had fun or went to work with pleasure. It was always annoying for me to stand up in the morning and to wait for that special time, when finally freetime begins. But in the evening you then realise that you are just too tired for anything and your creativity is gone....so you just eat, watch a bit TV and go to sleep. And the next day, all of it continues... an endless struggle for me. I am clearly not made for this kind of work....^^ - no matter what work precisely



Everything is different if we talk about self-employment or new alternative ways of work


EDIT: And I could choose between nearly everything because my grades were always just fine. But I don't really think grades have anything to do with success at work or with finding the right way for yourself. Coincidences and contacts are way more important...

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

vor 19 Stunden schrieb Celinilein:

For me this just doesn't fit. Even if I did like some (or a lot) parts of my latest jobs and even if I could work for myself, which I really like, I just never really had fun or went to work with pleasure. It was always annoying for me to stand up in the morning and to wait for that special time, when finally freetime begins. But in the evening you then realise that you are just too tired for anything and your creativity is gone....so you just eat, watch a bit TV and go to sleep. And the next day, all of it continues... an endless struggle for me. I am clearly not made for this kind of work....^^ - no matter what work precisely



Everything is different if we talk about self-employment or new alternative ways of work


EDIT: And I could choose between nearly everything because my grades were always just fine. But I don't really think grades have anything to do with success at work or with finding the right way for yourself. Coincidences and contacts are way more important...


It may even have to do something with the attitude of some people (I'm not blaming you). It is important to try different things out in order to find something bearable. We are lucky enough to have this opportunity, my father for example couldn't choose between many things when he came to Germany.

In order to be able to get a specific profession you have to study and to be accepted at a certain uni you need good marks, somebody with average marks can't study medicine for example that's what I meant. It's the first step to even consider to become a doctor. Naturally you cannot plan every single step in your life but you can walk towards a certain direction.

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