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anscheinend ist ein patch rausgekommen...

hier die patchnotes für das beste spiel das es jemals gab:

Xbox 360 Updates:

-Added a limited time game mode to the Bonus Playlist, the Arms Race Team Deathmatch variant awards players 150 score per kill. Let the Scorestreak wars begin.

-Added a post-match Connection Quality survey which will be presented to a sampling of players to assess online gameplay connection quality.

Multiplayer issues addressed:

-Fixed an issue reported by the community where players could get infinite ammo for the Death Machine and War Machine.

-Addressed an issue reported by the community where players may not die when getting stuck with a Crossbow Bolt.

-Fixed an issue reported by the community where the Hunter Killer drones will float around slowly when they miss a target from a certain angle.

-Addressed an issue reported by the community where the frame rate may drop for other players when the host changes their audio settings during a match.

-Addressed multiple issues on Magma where players were able to fall or dive-to-prone in certain lava areas and survive.

-Players can now enter the crouched position while sprinting with the Riot Shield equipped.

-Care packages now appear in blue and orange on the map when Color Blind Assist is enabled.

-Resolved an issue where players and turrets could survive the water rush when in certain areas on Hydro.

-Resolved a UI issue with Tactical Insertion button prompt placement in Split Screen after a Host Migration.

-Resolved an inconsistency with Max Number of Players being displayed incorrectly when backing out of a Public Match search while it is searching.

-Addressed an issue with the Respawn Delay counter overlapping with other on-screen graphics in Split Screen.

-Addressed an issue with League Teams appearing incorrectly when they view another player’s League Team in the Leaderboards.

-Fixed a formatting issue in Leagues Season Final text where the date the player was placed was wrapping incorrectly.

-Overkill challenges will now progress if the player is using an alternate select fire mode.

-Bots will no longer attempt to capture and destroy the Headquarters from outside of the Alien Set Van or the Castle.

-The upper metal plate of a planted Assault Shield now appears in the proper position during a Killcam.

-Fix for the Hellstorm Missile not defaulting to the center of the Vertigo map when it flies in.

-Equipment, Turrets and Guardians are now destroyed when they are thrown or placed into the lava in some areas on Magma.

-Addressed an issue with the Custom and Private Match change team scoreboard not updating in real time when the overlay is on screen.

-Addressed a rapid scrolling issue in the Preset Class Menu.

-Chopper Hunter Field Specialist challenge updated to Aircraft Hunter with a description that reflects the aircrafts that need to be destroyed to complete the challenge.

-Text displayed for “Enemies forfeiting…” increased on Split-Screen to make it more legible.

-Fixed an issue with the last player alive defusing the bomb in Search & Destroy not receiving any defuse points.

-Resolved an issue with signing in and out while a film in loading in Theater.

-The icon to distinguish a Search & Destroy bomb location is now visible to a Codcaster who is spectating the defending team.

-Resolved an issue with attempting to sign into a Twitch account with Dual Play enabled.

-Fixed an issue in the Combat Record where the images would disappear when scrolling off of and on to the Combat Record.

-Fixed an issue in Offline System Link when the host leaves a lobby.

Gameplay balancing:

-Reverted global spawn influencer change from previous game update due to undesirable side effects.

-Zombies Mob of the Dead issues addressed

-Addressed an issue reported by the community where players would collide with each other and die while riding the gondola.

-Players can now board the plane once it’s been built.

-Fixed an issue in Grief Mode where the Wolf head would freeze after round 5.

-Addressed various zombie pathing issues throughout the map.

-Fixed an issue where character conversations would overlap with each other.

-Fixed an issue where players could not unlock the Juggernog machine that was locked down by Brutus.

-Addressed several exploits involving zombie pathing and the zombie shield.

-Resolved an issue where the game would not end if killed by the Acid Splat.

-Fixed an issue where players could get stuck behind the Afterlife doors.

-Resolved various pathing issues where zombies would not path to players behind open doors.

-Addressed an issue with the electric chairs placing the players underneath the.

-Addressed an issue where the prompt to build the plane would disappear while holding the Tomahawk.

-Addressed an issue with the wins and loss data not updating in the Grief leaderboards.

PS3 game update 1.10

Feature improvements:

-Added a limited time game mode to the Bonus Playlist, the Arms Race Team Deathmatch variant awards players 150 score per kill. Let the Scorestreak wars begin.

-Added a post-match Connection Quality survey which will be presented to a sampling of players to assess online gameplay connection quality.

Multiplayer issues addressed:

-Fixed an issue reported by the community where players could get infinite ammo for the Death Machine and War Machine.

-Addressed an issue reported by the community where players may not die when getting stuck with a Crossbow Bolt.

-Fixed an issue reported by the community where the Hunter Killer drones will float around slowly when they miss a target from a certain angle.

-Addressed an issue reported by the community where the frame rate may drop for other players when the host changes their audio settings during a match.

-Players can now enter the crouched position while sprinting with the Riot Shield equipped.

-Care packages now appear in blue and orange on the map when Color Blind Assist is enabled.

-Resolved an issue where players and turrets could survive the water rush when in certain areas on Hydro.

-Resolved a UI issue with Tactical Insertion button prompt placement in Split Screen after a Host Migration.

-Resolved an inconsistency with Max Number of Players being displayed incorrectly when backing out of a Public Match search while it is searching.

-Addressed an issue with the Respawn Delay counter overlapping with other on-screen graphics in Split Screen.

-Addressed an issue with League Teams appearing incorrectly when they view another player’s League Team in the Leaderboards.

-Resolved an issue where other player’s Combat Records appeared greyed out the first time their Playercard was selected in the Leaderboards.

-Fixed a formatting issue in Leagues Season Final text where the date the player was placed was wrapping incorrectly.

-Overkill challenges will now progress if the player is using an alternate select fire mode.

-The upper metal plate of a planted Assault Shield now appears in the proper position during a Killcam.

-Addressed an issue with the Custom and Private Match change team scoreboard not updating in real time when the overlay is on screen.

-Addressed a rapid scrolling issue in the Preset Class Menu.

-Chopper Hunter Field Specialist challenge updated to Aircraft Hunter with a description that reflects the aircrafts that need to be destroyed to complete the challenge.

-Text displayed for “Enemies forfeiting…” increased on Split-Screen to make it more legible.

-Fixed an issue with the last player alive defusing the bomb in Search & Destroy not receiving any defuse points.

-Resolved an issue with signing in and out while a film in loading in Theater.

-The icon to distinguish a Search & Destroy bomb location is now visible to a Codcaster who is spectating the defending team.

-Addressed an issue where the second player of a Split Screen match would flicker in and out of the stream.

-Resolved an issue with attempting to sign into a Twitch account with Dual Play enabled.

-Fixed an issue in the Combat Record where the images would disappear when scrolling off of and on to the Combat Record.

-Fixed an issue in Offline System Link when the host leaves a lobby.

Gameplay balancing:

-Reverted global spawn influencer change from previous game update due to undesirable side effects.

jop, musste knapp 90mb downloaden

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Ich wenn ich bei Abschuss Bestätigt Lobbys suche, steht da immer 0 Treffer. Und wenn ich mal eine finde, dann komm ich in die Lobby rein , wo die Leute sind, mit denen ich schon vorher gezockt habe? Was solln das? Passiert das bei euch auch? Bei andren Modis (Modi?) ist es genau das gleiche.

Vorheriger Post um 19:06

Post hinzugefügt um 19:09

Achso ok. Musste das Game neustarten und den Patch runterladen. Die Leute, mit denen ich immer reingekommen bin waren wohl auch welche, die den Patch noch nicht runtergeladen haben.

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Es hat 1-2 wirklich kleine kratzer ^^

Hab sie mal geputzt und es geht wieder, aber nur bis zur nächsten mission wo man in so nen auto steigt und jets kaputt schießen muss :banghead:

Edit: Gerade nochmal mit einem Mikrofasertuch sauber gemacht und momentan geht alles :D

ja dann viel glück weiter hin xD

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MSMC is Op. Wurde die schonmal schwächer gemacht. Falls ja dann will ich garnicht wissen wie op die vorher war^^.

Vorheriger Post um 18:42

Post hinzugefügt um 18:43

ISt sie gut? :D

Sie ist nicht so schlecht. Aber da es kein Untertitel gibt und die Musik lauter ist als die Stimme und die Leute so leise sprechen , dass man kein Wort versteht...abgesehen von diesen Sache ist die ganz ok. Und vieles ist auch sehr zusammenhangslos, zumindest kommt mir das so vor.

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das nächste CoD -> https://forum.trophies-ps3.de/news/111005-call-of-duty-ghosts.html

hier die camo die man kriegt (in BO2) wenn man vorbestellt (glaub muss bei nem bestimmten Händler sein)

[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f01wAdDu-XU]Call of Duty: GHOSTS - Camo Gameplay! Black Ops 2 "GHOST" DLC! - (COD 2013 Pre-order Bonus) - YouTube[/url]

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MSMC is Op. Wurde die schonmal schwächer gemacht. Falls ja dann will ich garnicht wissen wie op die vorher war^^.

Vorheriger Post um 18:42

Post hinzugefügt um 18:43

Sie ist nicht so schlecht. Aber da es kein Untertitel gibt und die Musik lauter ist als die Stimme und die Leute so leise sprechen , dass man kein Wort versteht...abgesehen von diesen Sache ist die ganz ok. Und vieles ist auch sehr zusammenhangslos, zumindest kommt mir das so vor.

Hmm.. das ist blöd..

Wann kommt denn das neue DLC? Ich habs Game grad neben mir liegen und mein Kumpel sagte ich solls am Release des DLC's wieder mitbringen :redface:

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Hmm.. das ist blöd..

Wann kommt denn das neue DLC? Ich habs Game grad neben mir liegen und mein Kumpel sagte ich solls am Release des DLC's wieder mitbringen :redface:

der nächste DLC kommt am 16.05.

hier teaser zum neuen CoD:

[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQEbPn36m1c]Call of Duty: Ghosts Masked Warriors Teaser Trailer - YouTube[/url]

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