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PSN Profiles Trophäen Fehler?!


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Hab neulich bei PSNProfiles geschaut und die Seite zeigt mir an, dass ich 1415 Trophäen habe,

obwohl ich 1418 Stück erspielt habe.

Meine 1000. Trophäe war die Heavy Rain Platin, jedoch wird da jetzt eine andere angezeigt.


Habe auch keine Spiele auf meiner Playstation "verborgen" jemand eine Idee wie es plötzlich dazu gekommen ist?


Exophase beispielsweise zeigt mir die richtige Anzahl der Trophäen an.

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Die Heavy Rain Platin ist deine 997. Trophäe laut Log: http://psnprofiles.com/TeQuilaOne1989/log?dir=asc&p=20


Bei PSNProfiles steht aber, dass du noch 3 Trophäen versteckt hast, dann passt also alles. Das erkennt man an dem blauen "H" vor deinem Benutzernamen, gleich unter "Games Played": http://psnprofiles.com/TeQuilaOne1989

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Überprüfe deine Privatspähre-Einstellung, erspiele dir irgendeine Trophäe, synchronisiere und update dann dein Profil, dann sollte es funktionieren.




  • Go to your trophy collection.
  • Note: Make sure your trophy collection is in "online mode" (Press triangle over the trophy collection icon and then select online mode).
  • Select your trophy collection and your list of games should populate the screen.
  • Find a game that doesn't show up on your list on PSNProfiles. Do not press X to select the game though, instead press triangle.
  • A few options should show up, press privacy settings.
  • At the top it should say "Show Trophies for This Game" - make sure the box has a check-mark! (If the box is left without a check-mark, the game will stay hidden).
  • When the box has a check-mark, press OK. Then do the same for all of your other games that don't show up on this website.
  • Now you have to earn at least 1 new trophy to see your changes show up on this website (PSNProfiles), it can be any random trophy that can be earned on any PlayStation console. When you earn a new trophy & sync it to PSN, then update your profile here on this website and everything should be fixed!

If ALL of your games are hidden on this website, it means that your trophy privacy settings for your PSN account is not set to "Anyone" - Go to the PSN section of the PS3's main menu, then go to Account Management, then select Privacy settings. It will ask you to verify by typing in your PSN account password. Then where it says "Show Trophies", you need to select "Anyone" from the drop-down menu. Now look at step 8 above.


  • Go to your trophy "app" so that you are able to see your trophy collection.
  • At the top-left of your screen, there are two buttons, "PS Vita System" & "PSN" - You can only edit privacy under "PSN", so select "PSN".
  • A list of all your games show up if you're connected to the internet. Scroll down the list and find one of your games that do not appear on this website and select that game.
  • When you've selected the game its list of trophies show up - now press the button at the bottom right, the ( ... ) button.
  • A few options show up, you want to select "Privacy Settings".
  • There will be a pop-up, you want to make sure the box has a check-mark to "Show Trophies for This Game", this will un-hide your trophies for that game.
  • Go to every other game that does not show up on this website and un-hide those also.
  • Now you have to earn at least 1 new trophy to see your changes show up on this website (PSNProfiles), it can be any random trophy that can be earned on any PlayStation console. When you earn a new trophy & sync it to PSN, then update your profile here on this website and everything should be fixed!

If ALL of your games are hidden on this website, it means that your trophy privacy settings for your PSN account is not set to "Anyone" - Go to the Settings App, then select PSN, then scroll down and select privacy settings and it will ask you to verify with your PSN password, once you type your password in, scroll down to "Show Trophies" and make sure "Anyone" is selected. Now Look at step 8 above.

  • Go to settings.
  • Select the PSN option from the settings menu.
  • Now select Privacy Settings.
  • It will ask you to type in your PSN username and password so you can access your privacy settings.
  • Once you've entered your username and password, it will send you to the "Privacy Settings" page - Select Sharing Your Experience.
  • Now select Trophies.
  • Where it says "Choose who can see your Trophies", make sure that you select Anyone from the drop-down menu.
  • Under that it says "Exclude Trophies from These Games" - press the Select Games button.
  • All of your games show up from all of your PlayStation consoles (it may take a few seconds for all of your games to populate the list. Sometimes the list may not show all of your games, in this case you may actually have to scroll down to the bottom of the list over and over for all of your games to show up).
  • Now make sure all of your games do not have checks by them, if a game has a check by it, that means that game is hidden.
  • Press OK when you're done. You'll be sent back to the trophies privacy main screen.
  • Now press Confirm
  • Now you have to earn at least 1 new trophy to see your changes show up on this website (PSNProfiles), it can be any random trophy that can be earned on PS3, PSVITA, or PS4. When you earn a new trophy, then update your profile here on this website and everything should be fixed!

If ALL of your games are hidden on this website, it means that your trophy privacy settings for your PSN account is not set to "Anyone". Simply follow steps 1 - 7 above, skip steps 8 - 11, then follow steps 12 and 13.


Quelle: http://psnprofiles.com/forums/topic/12212-trophies-are-missing-hidden-or-private-trophies-how-to-fix-it/

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