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Alle Dosen -Sammelguide

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Hier mal der Sammelguide für die Dosen (nur auf englisch)

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Parking Lot - Night - 9

- Under the school bus, tilt to right

go right

- On top of blue car near mailbox area

- Behind shed next to mailbox

- Behind posts in the same area, tilt to left

go right

- In plain view behind posts

- Behind wheel of blue car on right, tilt left

go right

- In plain view on left side of screen

- Under blue RV, tilt left

go right

- between the first few rocks of the rock path on the right

Campground Entrance - 15

- Go back to the parking lot after your parents leave, there is a can where their car was

Facing the parking lot

- on top of science hut

- directly to Jacob's right on ground

- behind the science hut signpost

go right

- on the ground to the right of the totem

- behind the music hut signpost

- on the upper balcony, behind the flagpole, tilt left

go right

- in front of the stairs

- between two rocks in front of the lamp to Jacob's left, tilting left may help

- on top of the large tree exit

- on the lower balcony of the Haggardy's hut

- on the upper left balcony of Haggardy's hut

go right

- behind fence post left of Mr. Eydel

- between fence rails on Jacob's right in front of Nature hut

- on the left side of the top balcony of the Nature hut

Haggardy's Hut - 6

- behind yellow chair on left

- top shelf of bookcase

- on top of grandfather clock

go left

- under world map table, tilt system left, pull screen up and left

-behind the square plant box, tilt left

- Grimmel's Tour has 1 story related can

Path to Kids' Huts - 4

- right side of screen, on ground

- in bushes on left, tilt right

- behind green can under circuit board

go right

- in bushes on Jacob's right

Path to Kids' Huts Continued - 6

- on fence, left side of screen

- in bush, left side of screen, tilt left

- behind rock directly behind Jacob, tilt left

go right

- on ground near girls camp sign

- behind Jacob, in bushes, tilt left

- Look at the counsellors camp sign, behind it is a small mountain, on top of that there's a slight twinkle

Boys' Cabin Area - 8

facing Girls Camp area

- on ground, left side of screen

- tilt right, behind wooden post on Jacob's left

- tilt right, behind rock with lamp on it, directly behind Jacob

go right

- inside tire swing

- inside toy truck

- tilt right, on stairs to Jacob's right

go right

- on top of tire swing fixture

- behind baseball bat on left

Boys' Cabin Interior - 3

- top of bunk bed ladder

go right

- directly next to Jacob

- in corner directly by Jacob

Canteen Area - 11

- behind fencepost on Jacob's right

- on ground in bushes on left side of screen

- tilt left, behind totem

- behind first fence post on left

- behind fence post to left of red door

go right

- tilt left, behind wood pillar on Jacob's right

- tilt right, behind Canteen door

- on corner of roof, directly left of the Canteen window

go right

- pull screen up and right, can is on bottom left

- tilt right, you will see sparkles behind Jacob in bushes, tap for can

- the edge of this can is barely visible in the bushes to Jacob's right, behind the right side of the first bush

Canteen Interior - 8

- tilt left and forward, can is under table

go left

- on counter in plain sight

- pull screen down and right, you will see the can sparkle in the top left corner of the screen

- pull screen right, can is on table

talk to campers, re-enter Canteen

- can is in plain sight on counter to lunch lady's left

- tilt down and right, you should see the sparkle under the counter

go right

- pull screen down and left, can is in top right

go right

- can is on table on left

Path to Airfield - 7

- on left side of screen

- pull screen up and left, one can will be in front of the fence, near the bushes at the bottom of the screen

- pull screen up and left, can is near fence and tree on right

- pull screen up and left, check on the right side near the tree and bushes

- tilt left, directly in front of bigfoot

go right

- the dark bush in front of the screen will be sparkling, tap it

-tilt forward, can will be at bottom of screen

Picnic Bench Area - 31

- pull screen left, can is on right

- pull screen up, can in on bottom near table

- tilt screen right, can is between 2 rocks on ground to Jacob's right

go right

- can is sparkling behind rightmost fence post

- tilt left, can is on ground in front of picnic table

continue forward

- can is by rocks on bottom left

go right

- behind rock near mushroom on left

- behind rock on ground on right

turn around, continue forward to totem area

- pull screen down, can is on right wing of totem

- pull screen up, can is behind mushroom

- pull screen right, can is on left

- behind bigfoot's leg and some rocks is another can

go right

- can is behind leftmost rock

- pull screen right, can is behind leftmost bush, above map table

continue forward to fox and bridge, solve puzzle

- pull screen up, can is behind grass on bottom

- behind bigfoot's right arm, behind fence

go right

- sparkling in bushes on left near totem

- pull screen left, can is on right

turn around, continue forward

- sparkling behind mushroom on right

- tilt right, behind left side of round stone object

- tilt right, in cluster of stones and mushrooms on Jacob's left

- pull screen right, can is by bush and fence

go left

- tilt right, can is near bridge steps

- pull screen right, can is on left

- pull screen left, can is on right, on bottom flower

turn around, continue forward

- can is on right side of screen

- pull screen right, can is on left side of bush

go right

- can is on right side of screen

- tilt left, can is behind rock next to three mushrooms

go right

- can is on top yellow flower on right

- behind the middle of three mushrooms to the left of the round stone object

Airfield - 22

- on right in front of grate

- behind sign back to camp Eaglefeather

- tilt left, in front of fire truck tire

go right

- on front corner of roof, near the propeller

- pull screen left, on right tip of plane wing

go right

- in grass behind fire truck

-pull screen right, in grass clumps on far left

go up tower stairs

- on table on Jacob's right

go right

- above Jacob between speakers

- pull screen to right, on top of yellow truck

go right twice (facing Crackskull mountain)

- pull screen down and left, under front of car

go back down out of tower, enter hangar

- directly on bigfoot's right

- pull screen down and left, above bigfoot's head

go left

- under plane on right side

- behind paint cans above Jacob's head

- pull screen up, below Jacob's feet

leave hangar, enter pilot's lounge

- on counter to left of woman

- pull screen down, on top

go left

- on floor on left side

- pull screen down, in rafters to left of emblem

go left

- pull screen down, above Jacob's head

- on shelf to left of bigfoot

Quelle: www.ps3trophies.org

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