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Only English ^^


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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

It really depends in my case... When it's only German subs and original dub I'm fine with it. I can read and hear the information at the same time and I decide for myself what sounds better in a particular situation. 


Dubs are a different case, I can't even describe it. Like... I look at the games setting and choose the language I feel fits the most. I have to play every Final Fantasy or Devil May Cry in English for example, simply because I played the previous games with English dub.


But in some games I even prefer the German dub. For example in every Bioware game, The Witcher or Uncharted the German dub is better imho.


It really depends on my mood and the game, I guess. I couldn't imagine playing Danganronpa in English :P

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vor 3 Stunden schrieb Celinilein:


Yes you're right...  :yensod:
Normal clear American English istn't a big problem. But when it comes to different dialects like Texan and if people don't speak clearly I sometimes have problems to understand.


That's the reason why I can't watch US TV series without subtitles. Not because I don't know the words but because I don't understand some words acoustically :/

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