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Der Monster Hunter Platin Club


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Moin, ich bitte um Aufnahme mit folgenden Spielen: :)

  1. Akiba´s Trip Undead & Undressed
  2. Bioshock
  3. Bioshock 2
  4.  Blades of Time
  5.  Borderlands 2
  6. Crysis 2
  7. Crysis 3
  8. Deadly Premonition™ The Director’s Cut
  9. Dragon Age™: Inquisition
  10. Fallout 3
  11. Fallout 4
  12. Fallout New Vegas
  13. God of War Ascension
  14. God of War Chains of Olympus
  15. God of War Ghost of Sparta
  16. God of War I
  17. God of War II
  18. God of War III
  19. Infamous
  20. Infamous 2
  21. inFAMOUS First Light™
  22. inFAMOUS Second Son™
  23. Lone Survivor
  24. Metro 2033 Redux
  25. Metro Exodus
  26. Metro Last Light
  27. Metro Last Light Redux
  28. Murdered: Soul Suspect
  29. Prototyp 2
  30. Red Faction Armageddon
  31. Resident Evil 5
  32. Resistance 2
  33. Resistance 3
  34. Saints Row IV
  35. Saints Row Gat out of Hell
  36. Saints Row Re-Elected
  37. South Park Der Stab der Wahrheit
  38. The Bureau XCOM Declassified
  39. The Edler Scrolls V Skyrim
  40. The Order 1886
  41. The Walking Dead
  42. The Walking Dead Collection
  43. The Walking Dead: Final Season
  44. The Walking Dead Survival Instinct
  45. The Witcher® III Wild Hunt
  46. The Wolf Among Us
  47. Two Worlds II
  48. Until Dawn
  49. Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
  50. XCOM: Enemy Unknown
  51. XCOM Enemy Within


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