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Weiß vielleicht jemand wieviele Wasserspender es gibt und wo sie stehen?

Ich habe folgende Wasserspender gefunden:

In der Feuerwehrwache (vor der Treppe, die in den Keller führt),

Im Hotel (von der Eingangshalle Links oder Rechts in den Gang und kurz bevor man auf dem Fischer in dem Saal trifft),

In der Bibliothek (kurz bevor man in das Kinderzimmer geht),

Im Museum (kurz nachdem Peter euch erschreckt)!

Habe also diese 5 gefunden.

Muss man die Wasserspender im fortlaufenden Spiel betätigen oder klappt es wenn ich die Levelabschnitte im Menü anwähle?

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hier sind alle zu finden

leider in englich


1. Next to the desk in on the ground floor, it's by the stairs that lead down to the basement

Hotel Sedgewick:

1. In the main lobby there will be a short hallway on the left wall with two vending machines. It's right next to them.

2. After the hotel fills with water, you will eventually get to an elevator room. An elevator will open the water will drain out.It is opposite the elevators in a corner.

Times Square:

1.It's in the laundromat, next to the exit you take into the alley.

2. After riding the elevator with Ray,you will walk out and it will be right before the Office with marshmallow minions


1. It's right before the childrens reading room, in the hallway.

Museum of (Super)Natural History:

1. You will slime an invisible door,then, go down the hallway and turn left.

Return To Hotel Sedgewick:

1. It will be in front of you when you enter the generator room to turn the power back on.

du kannst die auch im kapitel auswahl menü kreuz und quer sammel ;)

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hier sind alle zu finden

leider in englich


1. Next to the desk in on the ground floor, it's by the stairs that lead down to the basement

Hotel Sedgewick:

1. In the main lobby there will be a short hallway on the left wall with two vending machines. It's right next to them.

2. After the hotel fills with water, you will eventually get to an elevator room. An elevator will open the water will drain out.It is opposite the elevators in a corner.

Times Square:

1.It's in the laundromat, next to the exit you take into the alley.

2. After riding the elevator with Ray,you will walk out and it will be right before the Office with marshmallow minions


1. It's right before the childrens reading room, in the hallway.

Museum of (Super)Natural History:

1. You will slime an invisible door,then, go down the hallway and turn left.

Return To Hotel Sedgewick:

1. It will be in front of you when you enter the generator room to turn the power back on.

du kannst die auch im kapitel auswahl menü kreuz und quer sammel ;)

das auch immer alles in Englisch sein muss:banghead::banghead::banghead:

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