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Allgemeiner Thread zu Critter Crunch


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Wie finde ich raus wenn ich im Abenteuermodus bin welche Nummer die Puzzles haben. Hoffe es kann mir jemand helfen.

LG Flotschi18_1

gerade das hier gefunden... keine ahnung obs korrekt ist, muss das nachher zu Hause mal checken:

Tree of Delicious = Puzzle 2

Delicious Bonus Tree #1 = Puzzle 1

Delicious Bonus Tree #2 = Puzzle 7

Delicious Bonus Tree #3 = Puzzle 8

Yum Yum Beach = Puzzle 5

Stuffed Bluffs = Puzzle 13

Bonus Top Peaks #1 = Puzzle 10

Bonus Top Peaks #2 = Puzzle 18

Gem Swallow Cavern = Puzzle 9

Temple of the Ancients = Puzzle 15

Bonus of the Ancients #1 = Puzzle 16

Bonus of the Ancients #2 = Puzzle 17

Fungal Jungle = Puzzle 20

Mystic Muncher Forest = Puzzle 14

Sandy Crack Beach = Puzzle 26

Bonus Beach #1 = Puzzle 43

Bonus Beach #2 = Puzzle 44

Ghost Grub Grove = Puzzle 34

Worm Food Way = Puzzle 49

Chow-Choo Cave = Puzzle 46

Swallow-a-Bonus Cavern #1 = Puzzle 72

Swallow-a-Bonus Cavern #2 = Puzzle 79

Swallow-a-Bonus Cavern #3 = Puzzle 91

Bluffs Buffet = Puzzle 53

Rum-Tum Temple = Puzzle 92

Temple of the Bonus #1 = Puzzle 74

Temple of the Bonus #2 = Puzzle 84

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