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Beiträge erstellt von TariX-

  1. @ drache .. ich sags dir.. es war sehr spannend, in der letzten kurve (klopapier-regal) bin ich leider hängen geblieben .. hrhr

    im ernst, die bude war voll.. ich glaube die denken alle.. das ne ganze woche zu ist.. oder so.. unglaublich:dozey::banghead:

  2. R* Q 5 minutes ago

    Hey guys,

    Thanks for your patience. We've isolated the issue with the free DLC mission pack that was causing broader problems with Red Dead Redemption's multiplayer, and we've implemented a fix that is now live on both platforms. This update is now in place (you will not be prompted to download anything, but you may need to restart your game in order for it to take effect).

    The update also closes an XP exploit whereby players could trigger empty Gang Hideouts and have them register as complete.

    Quelle: rockstar website

    hat gerade jemand gespielt, un isset jetzt besser?
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