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Platin freischalten: Anleitung


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Das bedeutet, dass wohl sein Postfach voll ist ;)

Übersetzt heisst das:

SN hat die max. Anzahl an gespeicherten Nachrichten überschritten und kann keine weiteren Nachrichten annehmen bevor nicht Platz gemacht wurde.

achso, thx. wollte ihn fragen ob er mir die trophy mit den sammeloobjekten freischaltet, bei mir hats kein bling gemacht =(

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ich hab mich mal bischen schlau gemacht..

Supernewbys letze aktivitaet war am 24.08.09 umd 16:30

anscheinend laueft das nicht mehr ueber PN oder er kommt nicht mehr hinterher.

deswegen wurde von VecorRoll dieser thread aufgemacht.

OK I am deciding to make a new sticky thread just for the issues that many of you have with this "I Am Bad Company" award.

I do not want anyone to post here if they are not having an issue with it. I also do not want anyone to post anything that does not pertain to it. I would like to keep this as clean and objective as possible so that DICE can get a good fix on who might be having the issue. It should help them narrow down the exact issue.

I am also not going to guarantee that DICE will be able to help everyone on this issue right away or that they may respond to this issue right away. This is just to make a place where DICE can go to look and see who exactly is having the issue.

So with that being said I want only the people that have the requirements for the "I Am Bad Company" award and have yet to receive it to post this info.

  1. Your Gamer Tag.
  2. Your Console.

If there are other awards that may be holding you up which you have the requirements for but you are not getting, you can post that as well. I have already seen a few people that had this issue as well so I will allow it.Any postings that are not pertaining to the "I Am Bad Company" award may be deleted. I want to keep this thread as clean and straight forward as possible. Hopefully DICE will be able to help all of you as soon as possible.

Kurz und knapp er macht den thread auf um es fuer DICE leichter zu machen die trophy freizuschalten also keine unnoetigen posts ( die werden eh geloscht ) er gibt auch keine garantie dafuer das es gemacht wird.

das einzige was ihr rein schreiben muesst ist:

1. welche trophy ihr gerne freigeschaltet haben wollt

2. PSN: nickname

3. Console: PS3


Beispiel: ( um es hoeflicher zu machen )

Hello, i got the throphy bug(s). Could you please so kind and fix it ?


PSN ID:Black_ScOrpion01


kind regards



viel spass und erfolg damit

Ich wuerde den post schreiben und versuchen supernewby eine PN zu schicken ( text aus post 1 ) zusaetlich den link aus dem forum indem ihr fuer die freischaltung gepostet habt (sonst dauert es laenger wenn er evtl. die arbeit 2 mal machen muss)


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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Moin Community!

Ich hab mal im Interesse der leute die auf freischaltung warten folgende massage An VectorRoll gesendet.


just got 2 Quick Questions.

we have loads of community members wich are bugged for "I AM MR BAD COMPANY" and some of different trophys

Supernewbys mail-box is full since weeks and some of them postet already in your thread for DICE. He was now 3 times online since i follow this missery and he posted no Fixes. And they are all mad and upset about that we dont see any results in that damn long list. I know he is doing that on his own but thats no solution to keep the gamers on a long line.

Now my Questions:

Do u Know how long it needs to fix that bug?

Do u think it will help to send a mail to Parker ( community manager of DICE )?

Kind Regards


mal sehen wann und was fuer antworten ich bekomme....

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

brauchst du gar nicht....

so meine kleine hodensackbande :D

meine mail hat gezogen und siehe da die neue liste der gefixten personen


Join Date: Feb 2009

Posts: 179


Forbidden252 - fixed

GalacticImpact - Still need some Wildcards and Patches

KapralPL - fixed

jeanwich - fixed

dawud77 - fixed

davidtigra85 - fixed

laurenthornet85 - fixed

DV920 - fixed

Lirael1983 - fixed

Kicker59 - fixed

LinkingChoice - fixed

askull - fixed

Little-D246 - fixed

sam707 - fixed

RoDi117 - changed 107 to 108.

dryplexx - fixed

dubinswrath - fixed

ocraM67 - changed 117 to 118.

benturtle - changed 80 to 81.

Thuepo - fixed

MrBlackMagik - fixed

windsorblue01 - fixed

viel spass mit der trophy ;)

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Forbidden252 - fixed

GalacticImpact - Still need some Wildcards and Patches

KapralPL - fixed

jeanwich - fixed

dawud77 - fixed

davidtigra85 - fixed

laurenthornet85 - fixed

DV920 - fixed

Lirael1983 - fixed

Kicker59 - fixed

LinkingChoice - fixed

askull - fixed

Little-D246 - fixed

sam707 - fixed

RoDi117 - changed 107 to 108.

dryplexx - fixed

dubinswrath - fixed

ocraM67 - changed 117 to 118.

benturtle - changed 80 to 81.

Thuepo - fixed

MrBlackMagik - fixed

windsorblue01 - fixed

viel spass mit der trophy ;)

da ist ja sam707 :eek6: seit wann er woll die trophy hat...

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