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Wen es interessiert, PapyChampy hat momentan schon einige Trophys erspielt.

Dieser hat sich nun zu Wort gemeldet bei psnprofiles, ist einer der Entwickler.

Hier also ein paar Angaben die den ein oder anderen interessieren könnten:

Hi, Nadeo team member here. (I made the solo campaign tracks and the trophy list).

Right now I'm basically checking that the platinum unlocks correctly.

Some small answers and details I can provide about the trophy list :

- There has been a closed beta a few weeks ago on PS4/X1, with the 40 white tracks. Progress carries over to the full game, which can lead to weird time stamps about trophy unlocks. For instance, I had the "White series clear" trophy before the "Lagoon white clear" trophy, which is normally impossible to obtain in that order. If you are in this situation, just replay any white map of each environment to unlock the trophies.

- About the 50 TrackMasters achievement : Since I already had the 40 trackmasters from the closed beta, I unlocked it way faster than normal playthrough. You can't farm it on a single track. It needs to be obtained on 50 different tracks out of the 200 in the campaign. The TrackMaster time is hidden on each track until you beat it. Those are fixed times.

This is probably one of the hardest trophies in the game. My original idea was to put a 100 TrackMasters requirement, but I think it would have been too much. Also be aware that TrackMasters on white maps are not necessarily the easiest to get.

- The majority of the trophies will be unlocked during normal play and by exploring the various game modes in TrackMania Turbo.

- I tried to avoid tedious user generated related trophies (Spend 24 Hours in creation mode in LIttle Big Planet, for example) or online trophies that require you to win a set number of matches online. In my opinion those kind of trophies should not be mandatory for a platinum.

- The hardest trophy will be the "200 gold medals" Trophy. Without spoiling anything, I think it will be the one that separates boys from men here. =)

If there are additional questions I'll try to answer them the best I can.

I hope you'll have fun !

Das wichtigste ist dabei wohl, dass der Fortschritt aus der Beta mit ins Hauptspiel übernommen wird :)

Bearbeitet von yoey
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