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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

hier ist ja echt wenig los, daher "schon wieder" Ich :)

bin der Platin schon recht nahe, mir fehlen nur noch etwa 3-4 Titel und 450.000 Schritte

bei 2 Titeln bräuchte ich aber noch mal etwas Hilfe und zwar finde ich

zwei Catalog nicht

Ninja Sword Catalog 1


Spear Catalog 6

Wenn mir jemand die Fundorte nennen könnte würde mir das sehr weiter helfen.

schon mal Danke im Voraus

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Hier nen Japan Guide zu den Catalo's:


übersetzung von google:

Sword catalog

Remarks place name

Second prison tower 1F Sword catalog No. 1

Slaughterhouse of grassland - violence that bloody Sword catalog No. 2

Sword catalog No. 3 prisoner cave

Sword catalog No. 4 first prison tower 2F

Sword catalog No. 5 Garde camp secret passage 2

Second prison tower 3F Sword catalog No. 6

Cave 1F one-handed sword catalog No. 7 variant

Sword catalog No. 8 Garde camp secret passage 1

Loophole one-handed sword catalog No. 9 Thieves

Tree 50 world single-handed sword catalog No. 10 original

Sword catalog

Remarks place name

Valley of the Sword catalog No. 1 betrayal

Sword catalog No. 2 first prison tower 3F

Wilderness of both hands sword catalog No. 3 despair

Sword catalog No. 4 gun Doom prison B2F

Loophole of Sword catalog No. 5 Thieves

Land of Sword catalog No. 6 Farthest

Sword catalog No. 7 first prison tower 2F

Altar of Sword catalog No. 8 sinners

Sword catalog No. 9 commoner layer

Tree 20 world of Sword catalog No. 10 original

Sword catalog

Remarks place name

Sword catalog No. 1 hideout : Marcello family 3F

Sword catalog No. 2 first prison tower 5F

Valley of the sword catalog No. 3 betrayal

Sword catalog No. 4 red light district

The tip of the sword catalog No. 5 gun Doom prison B3F gimmick door

Hunting ground of prairie - devil bloody sword catalog No. 6

Second prison tower 5F sword catalog No. 7

The land of sword catalog No. 8 Farthest

Sword catalog No. 9 aristocracy layer

Tree 15 world of sword catalog No. 10 original

Shinobukatana catalog

Remarks place name

Shinobukatana catalog No. 1 Garde camp B2F

Valley of Shinobukatana catalog No. 2 betrayal

Tip of Shinobukatana catalog No. 3 cancer Doom prison B3F gimmick door

Land of Shinobukatana catalog No. 4 Farthest

Shinobukatana catalog No. 5 aristocratic layer

Wilderness of Shinobukatana catalog No. 6 despair

Second prison tower 2F Shinobukatana catalog No. 7

Slaughterhouse of grassland - violence that bloody Shinobukatana catalog No. 8

Second prison tower 2F Shinobukatana catalog No. 9

5 of tree community Shinobukatana catalog No. 10 original

Bow catalog

Remarks place name

Second prison tower 4F bow catalog No. 1

Valley of bow catalog No. 2 betrayal

Bow catalog No. 3 first prison tower 5F

Bow catalog No. 4 gun Doom outer garden

Bow catalog No. 5 prisoner cave

Land of bow catalog No. 6 Farthest

Loophole bow catalog No. 7 Thieves

Second prison tower 2F bow catalog No. 8

Valley of bow catalog No. 9 betrayal

40 world of trees bow catalog No. 10 original

Cane catalog

Remarks place name

Loophole of cane catalog No. 1 thief

Cane catalog No. 2 prisoner cave

Cave 1F of cane catalog No. 3 variant

Valley of cane catalog No. 4 betrayal

Cane catalog No. 5 hideout : Marcello family 1F

Land of cane catalog No. 6 Farthest

Wilderness of cane catalog No. 7 despair

Hunting ground of prairie - devil bloody cane catalog No. 8

Cane catalog No. 9 hideout : Marcello family 4F

Tree 10 world of cane catalog No. 10 original

Mace catalog

Remarks place name

Second prison tower 1F Mace catalog No. 1

Hunting ground of prairie - devil bloody mace catalog No. 2

Mace catalog No. 3 Garde camp secret passage 1

Grassland that was bloody mace catalog No. 4

Mace catalog No. 5 hideout : Marcello family 5F

Mace catalog No. 6 gun Doom prison mediation ya good talent

Second prison tower 5F Mace catalog No. 7

Mace catalog No. 8 Garde camp B1F

Land of Mace catalog No. 9 Farthest

Tree 25 world of Mace catalog No. 10 original

Knuckle catalog

Remarks place name

Knuckle catalog No. 1 cancer Doom prison B2F

Knuckle catalog No. 2 gun Doom outer garden

Loophole of the knuckle catalog No. 3 Thieves

Knuckle catalog No. 4 Garde camp secret passage 1

Knuckle catalog No. 5 second prison tower 1F

Loophole of knuckle catalog No. 6 Thieves

Wilderness of knuckle catalog No. 7 despair

Knuckle catalog No. 8 first prison tower 2F

Cave B1F of knuckle catalog No. 9 variant

Tree 35 knuckle world of catalog No. 10 original

Spear catalog

Remarks place name

Second prison tower 4F spear catalog No. 1

Loophole of spear catalog No. 2 Thieves

The land of the spear catalog No. 3 Farthest

Spear catalog No. 4 Garde camp B1F

Altar of spear catalog No. 5 sinners

Spear gun catalog No. 6 Doom prison B2F

Spear catalog No. 7 first prison tower 4F

Valley of spear catalog No. 8 betrayal

Wilderness of spear catalog No. 9 despair

The right side of the gate : During the tree ordeal of spear catalog No. 10 original

Heavy weapons catalog

Remarks place name

Valley of heavy weapons catalog No. 1 betrayal

Loophole of heavy weapons catalog No. 2 Thieves

Heavy weapons catalog No. 3 first prison tower 3F

Cave B1F of heavy weapons catalog No. 4 variant

Cave B1F of heavy weapons catalog No. 5 variant

Heavy weapons catalog No. 6 first prison tower 4F

Wilderness of heavy weapons catalog No. 7 despair

Heavy weapons catalog No. 8 gun Doom 3 Castle periphery

Altar of heavy weapons catalog No. 9 sinners

Tree 45 world of heavy weapons catalog No. 10 original

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Danke für den Versuch aber den kannte ich schon.

Mit dem habe ich auch einige gefunden die zwei jedoch leider nicht.

denn danach müssten sie im

Valley of betrayal


Doom prison B2F

ich habe keine Orte gefunden die so heißen

nur einen Canien of betrayal (wo ich aber nichts gefunden habe)

und das einzige prison das mir einfällt ist das unter den lower slums (auch nichts gefunden)

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Hier ein paar Tipps.

Geht in Primordial Arbor 86 und kämpft gegen die Snyle the Knight die hat nen Drachen dabei da kann man zwischen 6000 und 10000 Punkte machen je nach Multiplikator.

Holt euch die Erweiterung mit den 5 Charakteren wo der Shamane dabei ist.

Dann nehmt den Shamanen und wählt die Zauber Soul Rain der Stärkste Zauber mit Abstand trifft alle Gegner besser als Comet und noch Red Eyes da werden die Zauber Stärker und hällt lange an.

Noch ne Ergänzung zu den Titeln

Titel Seite 8 Nr. 2 Mace Master > Mace proficiency reached max

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