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- Werbung nur für Gäste -


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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Well, we'd need a specific topic to talk about otherwise all conversations will run into the sands. ^^

Let's start with something easy and discuss the possible outcomes of Deal and No Deal Brexit on the German economy, in particular for businesses that have higher dependence on the British market. :laugh4:

Bearbeitet von NILON_WALLS
  • hilfreich 1
  • witzig 1
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vor 4 Stunden schrieb NILON_WALLS:

Well, we'd need a specific topic to talk about otherwise all conversations will run into the sands. ^^

Let's start with something easy and discuss the possible outcomes of Deal and No Deal Brexit on the German economy, in particular for businesses that have higher dependence on the British market. :laugh4:

Do you really think they can agree on a controlled or uncontrolled exit? I have my doubts... :P


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vor 4 Stunden schrieb NILON_WALLS:

Well, we'd need a specific topic to talk about otherwise all conversations will run into the sands. ^^

Let's start with something easy and discuss the possible outcomes of Deal and No Deal Brexit on the German economy, in particular for businesses that have higher dependence on the British market. :laugh4:

How about no? :smilielol5:

Why discuss something we can't completely grasp or affect in anyway. The way to roll is to emigrate out of EU anyway :ph34r:

I'm game for australia or canada, but canada is to cold :P

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

I found my favorite place in australia years ago :)

My husband and I we always make fun of moving there. we already choose our town and looked up some houses there. Townsville/Queensland.

it's always around 24° throughout the year, it is by the sea with a small harbour, there are mountains, the next airport is around 50km away and there is a small island belonging to the town with some beautiful houses...


it's a shame that all animals in australia wanna kill you xD


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