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- Werbung nur für Gäste -


Boost-Regeln für Homefront Online-Verabredungen (in Deutsch und Englisch)


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Ja, über Textchat wurde schon öfter nachgedacht. bei 16 Leuten halte ich das aber nicht für sinnvoll.

Bei so vielen Leuten geht zu vieles unter, und manche meinen dann mitten in der runde im Chat schreiben zu müssen und ziehen somit das Spiel unnötig in die Länge....

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Ich glaube da ja Leute ohne Headset eher die Minderheit sind, könnten Diese auch einfach im Forum schreiben oder vor dem Spiel einem Freund (der ein Headset hat) aus der Gruppe/Lobby es per PSN-mail mitteilen was sie boosten wollen, wenns was besonderes is (meißtens ist ja während der Lobby genug Zeit dazu, wenn man auf Leute wartet oder sie erst einlädt oder man auf Neue wartet weil 1-2 Leute raus mußten). Oder der Betroffene macht eben nur zum jeweiligen Freund einen Text-Chat und der Freund übermittelt es dann in der Lobby bzw. im Spiel per Headset.

Durchs Texte schreiben im Spiel geht in der Regel Killzeit verloren, also besser mit Headset!

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- Important: It can always happen that a player does 1 or 2 kills to much. In that case Team USA has to watch out not to do more than

8.700 points, cause when u reach 9.000 points, the games over without Team KPA doing any kills.

"the game is over" bzw "the game's over"
- No one shoots vehicles when they are still needed.
das hört sich eher an wie eine feststellung und nicht wie ein befehl. ich würde es in "u mustn't shoot vehicles when they are still needed." oder "nobody is allowed to shoot vehicles then they are still needed." umändern ;)
- If a grenade is throw run to the grenade and get killed.

- If a WP grenade is throw, run into the "flames" and get killed.

beides wird zu "thrown"

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Hast du gut gemacht Jojo, Neue werden sich damit warhscheinlich überfordert fühlen, aber nach ein paar Boostrunden hat es jeder drauf, sollte zumindest so sein.

Hatte die Tage leider keine zeit, aber morgen kann ich Boosten bis der Arzt kommt, will das Game auch endlich fertig haben.

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Huch... habe da wirklich throw geschrieben? xD Thx für die Korrektur :)

Mache mich mal jetzt an den Rest ran^^

Edit: Habe auch bei dir nen Fehler entdeckt :P

"das hört sich eher an wie eine feststellung und nicht wie ein befehl. ich würde es in "u mustn't shoot vehicles when they are still needed." oder "nobody is allowed to shoot vehicles when they are still needed." umändern"

Du hattest da then stehen. Höhö.^^

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

So die volle Übersetzung, poste sie hier da als PN nicht geht^^

Mehr als 10000 Zeichen :o

The rules for Newcomers, quick explanation:

- Team USA starts.

- Team USA 10 kills each in Team Deathmatch, 15 kills each in Groundcontrol.

- Team KPA 11 kills each in Team Deathmatch, 15 kills each in Groundcontrol.

These are the mainrules which everyone should remember easily. Now into the details:

Information in advance:

- Daily save your savedata onto an usb.

- For successful boosting there are 16 people needed.

- Headset should be available, if not then u guys should turn on the volume of your television to understand the others. (Don´t mute anyone)

- Pressing the select button shows u how much kills u or the other players did. View them frequently.

- When the round begins u should look what gamemode u are in, TDM/GC.


- Team USA starts, Team KPA wins.

- This means: Team USA always starts killing and Team KPA runs to the enemies just letting themselves killed.

If Team USA is done, it´s KPA´s turn. More info in Game mode rules.

Game mode rules:

-Team Deathmatch / Battle Commander (TDM):

- First, Team USA does 10 kills, then when everyone is done with their 10 kills, it´s Team KPA´s turn with 11 kills each person (cause KPA has to win).

- If Team USA is done, everyone will go prone. By doing this Team KPA knows that it´s their turn.

- Important: It can always happen that a player does 1 or 2 kills to much. In that case Team USA has to watch out not to do more than

8.700 points, cause when u reach 9.000 points, the games over without Team KPA doing any kills.

- Groundcontrol / Battle Commander (GC):

- One GC Match lasts 15 minutes.

- Team USA starts killing until the timer reaches 7:30. After this it is Team KPA´s turn.

- Both teams do 15 kills, each person ofc. (USA starts!)

- Everyone on Team USA waits until EVERYONE in the team has 15 kills.

- If there is still time (after 15 kills each) everyone goes to 17 kills > 20 Kills > 22 Kills and so on until 7:30 is reached.

- Until 7:30 "No one" captures any point. (A/B/C)

- Now on 7:30, Team KPA starts with the same rules even if someone on Team USA doesn´t have 15 kills.

- Team KPA should capture a point (A/B/C) when they are on the turn, at the latest when they are only 3 minutes left.

- On Ground Control it is not allowed to use the Rhino Drone (Anti Tank Drone). If u see a rhino, u can shoot it.


- U can buy vehicles for the enemies if needed. (Listen in the lobby)

- U mustn't shoot vehicles when they are still needed.

- The Rhino Drone is allowed in Team Deathmatch, not in Groundcontrol!

- The recon drone (RQ10 Parrot) is only used from the team that has the turn. Not more than 2 recon drones in one team allowed.

- The recon drones are "not" to be shot, unless they are being used from the wrong team.

- EMP & Flash grenades are not allowed in the boosting process.

The Team which is on the turn to let themselves get killed:

- ALWAYS troop up (eg. Airstrikes and so on).

- Always run with the pistol (u move faster this way).

- Do not send any recon drones into the air if it is not your turn.

- If u see C4 on the ground, stop on top of it.

- If a grenade is thrown, run to the grenade and get killed.

- If a WP grenade is thrown, run into the "flames" and get killed.

- If the enemy is shooting u with a Rhino Drone (ONLY Team Deathmatch), go to crouch position > Rhino can hit u better.

The Team which is on the turn to kill:

- NEVER run to the spawnpoint of your enemies. Group up with your team. Stick with them. U could change the spawnpoints of your enemies, so don´t run to them.

- At most one Airstrike per round! If too many need to do an airstrike it would take to long. If only one person let the enemies

group up and then fire the airstrike, he could do 2 airstrikes. Best is to discuss it in the lobby.


- To be up to date press the Select Button now and then. With this u can see how much kills u or the others have.

- A headset gives u a tremendous advantage in this game. Those who do not possess one, should buy one.

What is being boosted?

- Expert of War:

-200 kills with every Main- & Sideweapons, special weapons, Vehicles and so on. The most time consuming trophy in the game.

U will also need 100 Wins each in the game modes: Team Deathmatch, Ground Control and Battle-Commander.

U will get victories automatically while u are boosting, though there is another way to gain victories too. (More information below...)

Squad Commander & Medal of Honor

- Enter a public match as the Party Leader of a 4-Player Minimum Party in Multiplayer. (Squad Commander)

- Win a public match as the Party Leader of a Party in Multiplayer. (Medal of Honor)

This trophies can be done after an arrangement with the other players. U have to be the host of the game lobby. Headset needed.

Full Boat

- U will gain this trophy automatically when u boost with 15 other players. (Like designated)

EVERYONE will get this trophy at the start of the round.

3-Star-Threat & 5-Star-Threat

-U can do these in the boosting process (even without doing kills) pretty easily. Let someone in the lobby explain it to u.

(Use the recon drone, Parrot)

- U will get every other online trophy automatically sooner or later while boosting.

Alternate method for boosting the victories (Expert of War):

- Save your savedata onto an usb.

- Start a match in a mode where u want to boost your victories. Get yourself 1-2 elastic bands.

Fasten your left analog stick upwards or the right analog stick to the right.

Or u can fasten both sticks like: Left analog stick to the right and the right analog stick to the left.

With this u will stay in motion and won´t get kicked for idling. If u get killed u will respawn automatically.

Now let your PS3 activated, even when u sleep and with a little luck u will have gained some victories.

Questions and answers (Q&A):

-Where do I find other players to boost with?

-See the Online-Appointment Thread.

-Which weapons may i boost?

-All of them! Except for the Rhino Drone, this one is only allowed in Team Deathmatch.

-Why mustn´t I use it in Ground Control?

-In Ground Control everyone is allowed to do 15 kills (see above). If everyone from the team has 15 kills and there is still time

u can do 17, 19 or more kills. But for the sake of fairness u should have 15 kills equally in the team and it takes too long for one person

to reach that amount of kills with the rhino drone. While this person is doing kills with the rhino drone every other player would have to stop.

Even if that one (drone user) will barely get his 15 kills before the time is over.

-Why is the Rhino Drone allowed in Team Deathmatch then?

-In Team Deathmatch the time does not matter cause everyone does 10-11 kills only instead of 15.

The overall points of the team do play a mayor role.

So if someone uses the Rhino it won´t be a handicap for the others.

-What should I do when I see a rhino in Ground Control?

-If the user is in your team, suggest him that he is not in TDM and request that he should change to another weapon.

-If the user in from the enemy team, destroy the drone. Do not kill the user.

-Why do some players in one team do too many kills and in the other team none?

-This can happen if this players do not need any more kills cause they only need victories or they even got the platinum trophy and just helping out.

In this case the other players can have the "kills" from that player. It will be shared equally in the team.

-What should I do when another player won´t conform to the rules?

-This doesn´t have to be on purpose. After the game tell that user what he did wrong. If he should again disobey the rules, do not invite him

to further boosting games and tell this to the other players too.

-Why do some players veto the next map while in the game lobby?

-In this case the next game would be a Team Deathmatch game. If 8 players vote for veto, instead of TDM there will be a Ground Control game.

Here u can do more kills.

-Why can´t I buy any vehicles though I have enough BP?

-In this case the maximum amount of vehicles is reached. The amount varies from map to map.

-I brought a vehicle for the other team or I did use a vehicle and left it for my teammates. Suddenly the vehicle explodes. Why?

-Vehicles left alone will destroy themselves after a while to make room for other vehicles.

So if u want to deliver a vehile for another player u have to sit in there until that player is near the vehicle and can jump in fast.

-What should I do when someone from the group gets kicked/disconnected?

-Inform your teammates and invite him yourself or let the others invite him back to the game. If u are lucky he will join the match before an outsider/stranger can join.

-An Outsider/Stranger joined the match. What now?

-Try to speak to the stranger and inform him that this is a private boosting match. It could be that this person speaks german or english and understands this.

He could then leave the game or even play by the rules.

-If the stranger doesn´t understand u and he is on your side of the team, try to block his path so he can´t kill anymore.

-If he is not in your team, ignore him. If u are from the team that can kill now, u can kill him but do not exceed the kills u are allowed to do.

-What should I do when the stranger is still there even after the game?

-Leave the game and open a new lobby. (Not every single person should open a new lobby, u will hopefully get invited)

-Why do have many of the teammates have the Clantag [TPS3]?

- This has some advantages:

1. If a stranger joins the game, it will be much easier to perceive him.

2. If a "stranger" with this clantag joins the game, u can be sure that u can communicate with him and he can participate in the game.

3. If u are playing normal without boosting, u can recognize other players from this forum/message board.

4. "Advertising" for this forum/message board. The clantag indeed got recognized from other players which are not from this forum/message board.

Rules translated by CW_Lightning.

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The boosting rules in English:

The rules for Newcomers, quick explanation:

- Team USA starts.

- Team USA 10 kills each in Team Deathmatch, 15 kills each in Groundcontrol.

- Team KPA 11 kills each in Team Deathmatch, 15 kills each in Groundcontrol.

These are the mainrules which everyone should remember easily.

Now into the details:

Information in advance:

  • Daily save your savedata onto an usb.
  • For successful boosting there are 16 people needed.
  • Headset should be available, if not then u guys should turn on the volume of your television to understand the others. (Don´t mute anyone)
  • Pressing the select button shows u how much kills u or the other players did. View them frequently.
  • When the round begins u should look what gamemode u are in, TDM/GC.


  • Team USA starts, Team KPA wins.
    • This means: Team USA always starts killing and Team KPA runs to the enemies just letting themselves killed. If Team USA is done, it´s KPA´s turn. More info in Game mode rules.

Game mode rules:

  • Team Deathmatch / Battle Commander (TDM):
    • First, Team USA does 10 kills, then when everyone is done with their 10 kills, it´s Team KPA´s turn with 11 kills each person (cause KPA has to win).
    • If Team USA is done, everyone will go prone. By doing this Team KPA knows that it´s their turn.
    • Important: It can always happen that a player does 1 or 2 kills to much. In that case Team USA has to watch out not to do more than 8.700 points, cause when u reach 9.000 points, the game is over without Team KPA doing any kills.
  • Groundcontrol / Battle Commander (GC):
    • One GC Match lasts 15 minutes.
    • Team USA starts killing until the timer reaches 7:30. After this it is Team KPA´s turn.
    • Both teams do 15 kills, each person ofc. (USA starts!)
    • Everyone on Team USA waits until EVERYONE in the team has 15 kills.
    • If there is still time (after 15 kills each) everyone goes to 17 kills > 20 Kills > 22 Kills and so on until 7:30 is reached.
    • Until 7:30 "No one" captures any point. (A/B/C)
    • Now on 7:30, Team KPA starts with the same rules even if someone on Team USA doesn´t have 15 kills.
    • Team KPA should capture a point (A/B/C) when they are on the turn, at the latest when they are only 3 minutes left.
    • On Ground Control it is not allowed to use the Rhino Drone (Anti Tank Drone). If u see a rhino, u can shoot it.


  • U can buy vehicles for the enemies if needed. (Listen in the lobby)
  • No one shoots vehicles when they are still needed.
  • The Rhino Drone is allowed in Team Deathmatch, not in Groundcontrol!
  • The recon drone (RQ10 Parrot) is only used from the team that has the turn. Not more than 2 recon drones in one team allowed.
  • The recon drones are "not" to be shot, unless they are being used from the wrong team.
  • EMP & Flash grenades are not allowed in the boosting process.

The Team which is on the turn to let themselves get killed:

  • ALWAYS troop up (eg. Airstrikes and so on).
  • Always run with the pistol (u move faster this way).
  • Do not send any recon drones into the air if it is not your turn.
  • If u see C4 on the ground, stop on top of it.
  • If a grenade is thrown run to the grenade and get killed.
  • If a WP grenade is thrown, run into the "flames" and get killed.
  • If the enemy is shooting u with a Rhino Drone (ONLY Team Deathmatch), go to crouch position > Rhino can hit u better.

The Team which is on the turn to kill:

  • NEVER run to the spawnpoint of your enemies. Group up with your team. Stick with them. U could change the spawnpoints of your enemies, so don´t run to them.
  • At most one Airstrike per round! If too many need to do an airstrike it would take to long. If only one person let the enemies group up and then fire the airstrike, he could do 2 airstrikes. Best is to discuss it in the lobby.


  • To be up to date press the select.png Button now and then. With this u can see how much kills u or the others have.
  • A headset gives u a tremendous advantage in this game. Those who do not possess one, should buy one.

What is being boosted?

  • 40.png Expert of War

    • 200 kills with every Main- & Sideweapons, special weapons, Vehicles and so on. The most time consuming trophy in the game.
      U will also need 100 Wins each in the game modes: Team Deathmatch, Ground Control and Battle-Commander.
      U will get victories automatically while u are boosting, though there is another way to gain victories too. (More information below...)
  • 32.png Squad Commander and 33.png Medal of Honor

    • Enter a public match as the Party Leader of a 4-Player Minimum Party in Multiplayer. (Squad Commander)
    • Win a public match as the Party Leader of a Party in Multiplayer. (Medal of Honor)
    • This trophies can be done after an arrangement with the other players. U have to be the host of the game lobby. Headset needed.
  • 37.png Full Boat

    • U will gain this trophy automatically when u boost with 15 other players. (Like designated)
      EVERYONE will get this trophy at the start of the round.
  • 38.png 3-Star-Threat and 41.png 5-Star-Threat
    • U can do these in the boosting process (even without doing kills) pretty easily. Let someone in the lobby explain it to u.
      (Use the recon drone, Parrot)
  • U will get every other online trophy automatically sooner or later while boosting.

Alternate method for boosting the victories(Expert of War):

  • Save your savedata onto an usb.
  • Start a match in a mode where u want to boost your victories. Get yourself 1-2 elastic bands.
    Fasten your left analog stick upwards or the right analog stick to the right.
    Or u can fasten both sticks like: Left analog stick to the right and the right analog stick to the left.
    With this u will stay in motion and won´t get kicked for idling. If u get killed u will respawn automatically.
    Now let your PS3 activated, even when u sleep and with a little luck u will have gained some victories.

Questions and answers (FAQ):

  • Where do I find other players to boost with?

    [*]Which weapons may i boost?

    • All of them! Except for the Rhino Drone, this one is only allowed in Team Deathmatch.

    [*]Why mustn´t I use it in Ground Control?

    • In Ground Control everyone is allowed to do 15 kills (see above). If everyone from the team has 15 kills and there is still time u can do 17, 19 or more kills. But for the sake of fairness u should have 15 kills equally in the team and it takes too long for one person to reach that amount of kills with the rhino drone. While this person is doing kills with the rhino drone every other player would have to stop. Even if that one (drone user) will barely get his 15 kills before the time is over.

    [*] Why is the Rhino Drone allowed in Team Deathmatch then?

    • In Team Deathmatch the time does not matter cause everyone does 10-11 kills only instead of 15. The overall points of the team do play a mayor role. So if someone uses the Rhino it won´t be a handicap for the others.

    [*] What should I do when I see a rhino in Ground Control?

    • If the user is in your team, suggest him that he is not in TDM and request that he should change to another weapon.
    • If the user in from the enemy team, destroy the drone. Do not kill the user.

    [*] Why do some players in one team do too many kills and in the other team none?

    • This can happen if this players do not need any more kills cause they only need victories or they even got the platinum trophy and just helping out.
    • In this case the other players can have the "kills" from that player. It will be shared equally in the team.

    [*] What should I do when another player won´t conform to the rules?

    • This doesn´t have to be on purpose. After the game tell that user what he did wrong. If he should again disobey the rules, do not invite him to further boosting games and tell this to the other players too.

    [*] Why do some players veto the next map while in the game lobby?

    • In this case the next game would be a Team Deathmatch game. If 8 players vote for veto, instead of TDM there will be a Ground Control game. Here u can do more kills.

    [*] Why can´t I buy any vehicles though I have enough BP?

    • In this case the maximum amount of vehicles is reached. The amount varies from map to map.

    [*] I brought a vehicle for the other team or I did use a vehicle and left it for my teammates. Suddenly the vehicle explodes. Why?

    • Vehicles left alone will destroy themselves after a while to make room for other vehicles.
    • So if u want to deliver a vehile for another player u have to sit in there until that player is near the vehicle and can jump in fast.

    [*] What should I do when someone from the group gets kicked/disconnected?

    • Inform your teammates and invite him yourself or let the others invite him back to the game. If u are lucky he will join the match before an outsider/stranger can join.

    [*] An Outsider/Stranger joined the match. What now?

    • Try to speak to the stranger and inform him that this is a private boosting match. It could be that this person speaks german or english and understands this. He could then leave the game or even play by the rules.
    • If the stranger doesn´t understand u and he is on your side of the team, try to block his path so he can´t kill anymore.
    • If he is not in your team, ignore him. If u are from the team that can kill now, u can kill him but do not exceed the kills u are allowed to do.

    [*] What should I do when the stranger is still there even after the game?

    • Leave the game and open a new lobby. (Not every single person should open a new lobby, u will hopefully get invited).

    [*] Why do have many of the teammates have the Clantag [TPS3]?

    • This has some advantages:
      1. If a stranger joins the game, it will be much easier to perceive him.
      2. If a "stranger" with this clantag joins the game, u can be sure that u can communicate with him and he can participate in the game.
      3. If u are playing normal without boosting, u can recognize other players from this forum/message board.
      4. "Advertising" for this forum/message board. The clantag indeed got recognized from other players which are not from this forum/message board.

Rules translated by CW_Lightning.

These rules were created in this forum and in online conversations, refined and compiled by: dimonrussak, Alarconda, uprisen257, martina27, Chaos, Evilboy1983, Benne1984, Subjugator, CASPERGAMER, Piwi1987, commando31, Enemysfriend22, jojo, supermutterwanze.

Thanks for tips and additions to: uprisen257, niwwa, meili23, BlackHawk86ss, andre2201.

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