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Only English ^^


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vor 8 Minuten schrieb Ullah:


We need to write more in this thread so we'll improve :D

At first I was confused. I think your smartphone autocorrected "distrect" to "dircect". ^^

I reset my smartphone a few das ago, since autocorrection trolling me continuously. :futhatshit: 

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Am 27.3.2017 um 19:13 schrieb Celinilein:

Welcome to the club :redface:

I had to speak English a few times in the last semester with one student from Turkey and realised how bad I am when it comes to speaking fluently. The words I usally should know just don’t want to come into my mind :banghead:

Writing isn't that big of a problem however. Totally out of practice ^^ I have to watch more English movies.

Same goes for me :redface:

Understandig people is quite easy but as a not exactly talkative person in general it is pretty hard to find proper and sophisticated words in just fractions of a second. After every spoken sentence I'm like "damn, that was wrong grammar, shit I could have used this and that word instead..."

On the other hand even some professors suffer bad English and the most important part lies in making your dialog partner understand the meaning of what you want to tell him or her. Using nice English makes you feel better and more confidently though :redface: 

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Yo waddup folks? This thread needs a little revival I think :emot-slick:

As I have to call other companies in countries all over Europe almost every day, I really realise how it's getting normal to talk English. I think it is as Belian said, you don't have to know every word, most of the times you just have to be able to describe it and the other person will be able to understand what you are saying.

What I also realised is that it can be way easier to talk English to people from Italy oder Slovakia because they are not that good in English too and so they talk slower and you still are able to understand them. And it's not a shame to ask them to repeat a word, because they also know this situation.

On the other hand, when I called in Great Britain a while ago, I had huge problems to be able to understand everything. ^^

Bearbeitet von NILON_WALLS
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Am 14.10.2015 um 19:56 schrieb Ullah:

English is awesome but which accent do you guys prefer? Personally my favorite one is the Scottish accent and prefer the American English over the British English.


Well that has changed within 2 years. Nowadays I prefer the British accent and even enjoy listening to posh people.

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vor 19 Minuten schrieb Ullah:

Well that has changed within 2 years. Nowadays I prefer the British accent and even enjoy listening to posh people.

How did this happen? O.o 


On our vacation we heard lots of British people talking and I still think it sounds so funny because the sound of it is so overly classy no matter what they are talking about ^^

I still like American English the most :) But I love Ed Sheeran's way of talking/rapping/singing even if he's British :P 


And the same goes for Ben Howard :heart-red:

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vor 9 Stunden schrieb Celinilein:

How did this happen? O.o 


On our vacation we heard lots of British people talking and I still think it sounds so funny because the sound of it is so overly classy no matter what they are talking about ^^

I still like American English the most :) But I love Ed Sheeran's way of talking/rapping/singing even if he's British :P 


And the same goes for Ben Howard :heart-red:


Mostly talking to people from London at certain weddings. I really enjoyed it and the way they talk seems very polite. Obviously it depends on the person but British English sounds relaxing. 

I also talked to the husband of one of my cousins who had a really posh way of talking. It made me kind of nervous because he was so eloquent and classy that I didn't want to make any mistakes talking to him. :xd:


I've never heard anything of Ben Howard.

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