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Eure psychiatrische Analyse


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nach dem durchspielen bekommt man ja eine psychiatrische Analyse.

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Hier meine:

From the office of Dr Isiah Friedlander

Client Notes - Highly Confidential

I sincerely hope someone arrests this maniac very soon.

Compromise is the language of the devil - and this fool loves compromise.

Out of control id - Jung would have a field day with this one.

Careless with money.

Needy, somewhat creepy show off.

Eager, desperate, malicious, heartless - classic psychopath.

Family focused - not sure why.

Wisely invests money - in insane speculations.

Frighteningly myopic about suffering (of others).

Repeat offender.

Must make sure yoga does not influence their time with me.

Lazy, lazy, lazy.

Friendly, but terrifying.

Possible A.D.D.?

Not sure where this is leading - no where good.

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Hier meine: :D

From the office of Dr Isiah Friedlander

Client Notes - Highly Confidential

Bit of a confusing case - not really sure where to begin.

Decisively indecisive.

Morally - totally lost.

Tight fisted in the extreme.

Superior - despite many obvious inadequacies.

Treats women respectfully - when not killing them or their husbands.

Not a good care giver.

Not very into white collar crime.

Vindictive bully.

Compulsive and repeat thief.

Now they are interested in yoga?

At least they don't over exercise.

Like strangers.

Struggles to see things through to the end - sometimes.

Dr Freud, Professor Jung. I beg you, help me!

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Hier meine

From the office of Dr Isiah Friedlander

Client Notes - Highly Confidential

Terrifying. Deluded, lonely, desperate and vain.

Decisively indecisive.

At times can really embrace his hypocrisy.

Financially irresponsible.

Desperate for female attention.

Sexually unsure of self - unfortunately not the case elsewhere.

Very dependent on family for self-worth, which is odd.

Will end up very rich or entirely bankrupt. Cannot decide which.

Vindictive in the extreme.

Repeat offender.

Wonder if devotion to yoga will influence murderous rages?

A freak of many things, but not of physical fitness.

Like strangers.

Really finishes the job at hand - which would be nice if the job wasn't so horrible.

Hmm - probably one to write about in next book.

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Alles haben was anderes... ^^

A very tedious case study.

Definitely incapable of making a real decision.

Classic case of father issues.

Hides myriad inadequacies behind cash being thrown around.

Prone to being judgmental about some weaknesses but not own.

Sexual risk taker - advise them to get tested - probably got a lot of dodgy diseases.

Loyal to crazy family, which I suppose is a start.


Vindictive bully.

Repeat offender.

Not much of a yogi... hardly a surprise.

Psychotic about most things, but not exercise.

Makes friends easily - what kind of people I dread to think.

Easily distracted.

Wow - the worst I've come across.

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

From the office of Dr Isiah Friedlander

Client Notes - Highly Confidential

Deranged. Seriously deranged.

Tries to see good in everybody, with disastrous effects.

Show me the father and I will show you the neuroses.

Not very generous.

Desperate for female attention.

Eager, desperate, malicious, heartless - classic psychopath.

Family minded.

Wisely invests money - in insane speculations.

I wish I knew what meds to offer them - arsenic?

Incapable of respecting property rights.

I thought yoga was meant to calm the mind?

Definitely not a fitness freak - just a freak.

Makes friends easily - what kind of people I dread to think.

Not a finisher.

Needs a lot of help - as do I!

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From the office of Dr Isiah Friedlander

Client Notes - Highly Confidential

A very tedious case study.

Classic fence sitter!

Really has no sense of right or wrong.

Reckless financially.

Likes to show off around women.

Impressive array of sexual excesses - very desperate.

Will probably get left by family.

Will end up very rich or entirely bankrupt. Cannot decide which.

Psychopath or sociopath? Both.

Serial thief.

Wonder if devotion to yoga will influence murderous rages?

Not really into physical fitness.

Easily distracted and eager to try new things, meet new people, cause new trouble!

Really finishes the job at hand - which would be nice if the job wasn't so horrible.

Hmmm... bat shit crazy.

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Hier meine :D

Aus der Praxis von Dr. Isiah Friedlander

Patientennotizen - streng vertraulich

Ich hoffe wirklich, irgendjemand verhaftet diesen Irren möglichst bald.

Ganz entschieden unentschlossen.

Wants a father figure.

Versteckt Millionen von Unzulänglichkeiten hinter einer Wand aus rausgeworfenen Dollarscheinen.

Zuweilen bizarrer Moralist, was ich einfach nur zum Lachen finde.

Moralisch erzkonservativ in manchen Dingen. Ausgesprochen komisch.

Der verrückten Familie gegenüber loyal, was wohl immerhin ein Anfang ist.


Furcht einflößend kurzsichtig in Bezug auf das Leiden (anderer).

Frighteningly cold hearted about other people when it comes to property, etc.

Yoga ausprobiert, dann doch auf Gemetzel spezialisiert. Toll.

Übertrainiertheit ist keines seiner Laster. Na, zumindest eins, das er nicht hat.

Like strangers.

Likes to get things done - which is frightening!

Will make me retire... and emigrate.

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Aus der Praxis von Dr. Isiah Friedlander

Patientennotizen - streng vertraulich

Bemerkenswert. Ein echter Soziopath.

Sieht bei einem Streit beide Seiten – und kann sich dann nicht entscheiden.

Sucht eine Vaterfigur.

Versteckt Millionen von Unzulänglichkeiten hinter einer Wand aus rausgeworfenen Dollarscheinen.

Hmmmµ... urteilt sehr merkwürdig über anderer Leute Moral.

Weiß, wo man manche Grenzen ziehen muss. Aber längst nicht genug.

Mag die Familie. Also nicht völlig solipsistisch.

Typ Investor, was merkwürdig erscheint, da Risikofreudige meist kein langes Leben haben.

Kann nicht einschätzen, wie sehr andere leiden.

Ein Dieb. Ein schrecklicher, gemeiner Dieb. Ich muss versuchen, ihm einen Langzeitkurs dagegen zu verkaufen.

Ignoriert alles, was spirituell klingt.

Verrückt in vielerlei Hinsicht, aber nicht nach körperlicher Fitness.

Out going and friendly, in a terrifying kind of way.

Possible A.D.D.?

Oh brother!

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From the office of Dr Isiah Friedlander

Client Notes - Highly Confidential

A very tedious case study.

Definitely incapable of making a real decision.

Wants a father figure.

Financially irresponsible.

Bit of a peeping tom.

Needy and desperate, especially about aspects of sexually.

Lazy and solipsistic - then again, family is awful.

Very into random speculation.

Terrifyingly insular.

Desperately dishonest and violent regarding property of others.

Attempts at spirituality not successful. Unlike crime career.

Definitely not a fitness freak - just a freak.

Makes friends easily - what kind of people I dread to think.

Seems to like collecting weird things.

Hmmm... bat shit crazy.

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